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Hathway: Changing your network card's MAC address

Submitted by Karthik on 3 December, 2005 - 00:04

Hathway's connection binds itself to your network card's MAC address. What this means is that if you change the NIC connecting to the cable modem, you are very likely not going to be able to get on the net.

The solution is to spoof your connection's MAC address as explained here.

It is probably a good idea to note down your current NIC's MAC address somewhere, in case it fails and you are unable to access it in the future..



Thanks for the info, but that link doesnt lead to anything that helps me to change my MAC address.. BTW i have an ADSL modem.. so could my ISP be doing the same thing too?

The wikipedia link details the steps required to change your MAC address for most common operating systems. So if you are a windows user, look under the windows section. The page also links to 3rd party programs that help as well..

BTW this only really applies if the NIC connected to the modem has changed.. And yes, it could very well apply to ADSL connections too, but I'm unaware of this happening. What did your ISP say?

Besides changing your MAC address, you can also just give them a call and ask them to reset it.. :)


P.S I just noticed that the google ads on the left also provide links to MAC address spoofers :) Might not be the case for everybody..

I use TataIndicom BB 64kbps, and my inability to share my friend's 512 kbps account at my place, led another friend to suggest that the severs may be limiting the speed based on my MAC address or maybe by nodes at their server...

You will very likely not even be able to get on if that is the case.

Were the both of you actually able to get online simultaneously i.e. does Tata Indicom allow simultaneous logons?


But i WAS able to log on using his id & p/w (but he wasnt online at that time).. the only prob was i got the SAME measly 64kbps when i should've been able to get his 512kbps!!

But what you mean is, that as i WAS able to (at least) log on using his account, that means the difference in MAC address doesnt come into the picture?

I'm not entirely sure how Tata-Indicom connections are set up - sorry. But I'm not surprised :| The speeds are very likely capped by the DSLAM at the exchange, based on the port that you are connecting to.. You could however, prove me wrong by switching modems and testing this out. It might be worth giving that a shot.

Let me know :)

I'll try it and let you know! Thanks for your suggestions and your time!