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Google being attacked by the Googles

Submitted by Karthik on 7 July, 2004 - 21:59

The Washington Post reports that a kids website named has filed suit against Google, to ensure that Google does not infringe upon it's business interests any time in the future.

Stelor Productions filed documents with the Commerce Department's Patent and Trademark Office yesterday opposing an application from Google Inc. to broaden its trademark rights. Stelor said the similarity between the names is driving away potential investors and confusing customers. The company is challenging the search engine's request to use the Google name on children's books and other items, such as umbrellas, mouse pads and tote bags, that "are not expressly limited to adults."

"We want them staying out of the children's space," Esrig said. "Anything that could potentially be a children's item as far as I'm concerned is legally ours."

The entire story can be reached here.