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After BPO, it's religious outsourcing

Submitted by Karthik on 29 April, 2004 - 07:49

The Economic Times is carrying a rather astonishing report on the latest entrant to the outsourcing market: Religious outsourcing.

European and American clergy are outsourcing "mass intentions" - requests for services, such as thanksgiving and memorial masses for the dead - to priests and congregations with time on their hands.

Each mass is said in front of a public congregation in Malayalam, the local language. Rates vary from country to country: a request from North America or Europe can net a priest three pounds or four pounds; poorer countries pay less.

David Fleming, Amicus National Secretary, went on to say that, "this shows that no aspect of life in the west is sacred. We have identified 25 different skilled jobs that have been offshored but saying mass and delivering religious services is a real shock“.

The business of religion.. :S