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A Connecticut Yankee in .. Bangalore

Submitted by Karthik on 16 April, 2004 - 12:19 has a nice story on life for an American 'techie' working in India.

So what awaits U.S. workers in less-developed nations? First, a pay cut could be in order. Some workers in India get complete expatriate packages, in which they get their normal U.S. salary, plus a large stipend for expenses. Other transplants, however, receive salaries closer to the local wage--around $25,000 to $30,000, according to sources. That's more than Indian programmers get, with their salaries of maybe $18,000--but it's less than what the expats probably earned in the United States.

Still, in relative terms, they can live well. "The cost of living--an apartment, a car with driver, a couple of domestics to help with laundry and cooking, plus utilities--can be as low as $15,000, with $25,000 to $30,000 being the mid- to-upper range," Niedas said.

I'd like to know where he pulled those figures from.. :S The article also has an interesting link to a site dedicated to Indian English ;)