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Disabling Clean URLs via the DB

Submitted by Karthik on 7 October, 2005 - 19:53

If (like I was today) you're stuck with a Drupal site with Clean URLs enabled but mod_rewrite disabled, here's how you disable it via the database [Afaik there's no way to do this from Drupal itself, as you just can't login and navigate the site as all the URLs are clean URLs.. quite the catch-22 :P]:

Navigate to the variables table your DB, and view its contents sorted by the name field. The three rows that concern us are:
cache s:1:"1";
clean_url s:1:"1";
clean_url_ok i:1;

All three are stored in serialised form [as strings]. Cache will be set to 1 only if you have caching on, the same for clean_url. Edit each row so that the end result is as follows:
cache s:1:"0";
clean_url s:1:"0";
clean_url_ok i:0;

And that should be that :)
