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More Sub-10k PCs hit the market

Submitted by Karthik on 16 October, 2005 - 14:00

The last week has seen HCL and Sahara Computers both announcing personal computers priced under the Rs.10000 mark.

However, just as with the Xenitis group's Aamar/Apna/Namma PC lines, these prices are all pre-tax, pre-shipping, pre-freight, pre-handling, pre-forwarding, pre-insurance, pre-installation, pre-... The final price balloons up to somewhere between the 12k and 15k mark.

The above prices include a Linux distribution, usually RHEL. Factoring in a legal Windows XP (starter editions or otherwise) installation will push the final price bracket even higher.

Full Stories:
HCL: The Hindu.
Sahara: Sify.

Related story: MIT Media Labs' USD 100 laptop.