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Windows: More flaws, more patches..

Submitted by Karthik on 13 April, 2004 - 19:57

Microsoft has announced patches for around 20 flaws (8 of which have been deemed critical) in its software. These vulnerabilities affect almost all versions of the Windows operating system, Outlook Express and Netmeeting.

While the disclosure of such flaws has become a regular monthly event, the news of 20 at one time - eight of them judged by the company to be "critical" - marked a big escalation compared with recent experience. Until on Tuesday Microsoft had only warned of ten vulnerabities so far this year, four of which were judged to be critical.

Several of the flaws are similar to those which were exploited by the MS Blaster worm last year. The first advisory includes 14 vulnerabilities, the second four, and the third one. All are rated critical. The fourth advisory includes one vulnerability which is rated important, the second level on Microsoft's four-point scale.

Patches are available via WindowsUpdate. The full story is available here [Financial Times] and here [Sydney Morning Herald].