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Anonymous Phase 2: RTI Crowdsourcing

Submitted by Karthik on 12 June, 2012 - 23:16

After the low key response to the June 9 protests, Anonymous India has labelled it only "Phase 1" of their plans and have announced "Phase 2". The second phase has been dubbed "Operation RTI" and appears to be an elaborate recce to unearth information related to Internet censorship in the country. The plan is to get "citizens of India" to file RTI applications pertaining to any communications between government officials and companies such as Google and Facebook.

Baldev: Historical image archive

Submitted by Karthik on 1 June, 2012 - 11:57

India Ink's story about a photograph of a newly wed Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi linked me to an interesting gallery on Corbis. While the photographer behind these images, Baldev, appears to have had free access to the Gandhis, the archive also catalogues news events from the 1970s to the early 2000s. vulnerable to SQL injection attacks

Submitted by Karthik on 21 May, 2012 - 16:17

ZSecure, a security consulting company which made a few ripples last year when it announced vulnerabilities detected on HDFC's website, has made a similar discovery, this time with Payback is a firm providing loyalty (reward points) programs for customers, in partnership with a number of well known brands.


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