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in2Cable - Extremely risky proposition

Submitted by annit on 31 May, 2006 - 15:11

I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly expose the racket that in2Cable are running.

They have horrible connection speeds, horrible line quality, inconsistent service and highly incompetent people in charge. I have done extensive benchmarking over months and found that they are providing around 30% uptime, and 60% connection speeds of what they advertise.

They are consistently 2 to 4 times more expensive than others. e.g. 64kbps,unlimited at 1010. Airtel and BSNL 256 kbps unlimited are similarly priced

They have the worst and most heavy handed billing mechanism which inadvertently results in 3-4 days a month without an internet connection.

The worst is that they install software on your PC and on the network which can facilitate the destruction your PC and cable modem.

This is not a joke, a somewhat technical and elaborate review of mine is located at:

Lingering Statements in the Dark

My wrath stems from the fact that I have found, after two infected cable modems and some extensive reverse engineering that just switching on your cable modem on the in2Cable network can cause it to get infected. And you cannot do anything about it, no antivirus or firewall can help. in2Cable can't do anything about it because they have invested huge sums of money in some bulky, proprietory, software from 24Online. Their insistence and dependence on this crappy software and lack of competence resulting from this excessive dependence means that this situation will remain for quite some time.

They are facilitating the theft and ill-use of your internet connection by others. In spite of the fact that they know this, they are unwilling to change because they have invested heavily in a terrible piece of software from 24Online which, though allows them to do billing and invoicing (none of which the end user is involved in), results in highly substandard service and which leaves your modem, PC and entire network traffic to open attack.

As a routine mechanism, internet connections are being stolen by others because of the limitations in this 24Online software that they use.

I have spent an extremely frustrating two years in my life dealing with these people. They should be banned from all operation. They should be taken to task for the kind of incompetence which these guys are passing off in the name of service provision.

I urge you, as a cable modem user, to completely boycott in2Cable. The more they pay the politicians and cable-tv providers to be the only ones in town, the more deplorable the situation will become.
